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环球微头条丨ATS——加州翻新 - 与团队会面

发表于: 2023-06-17 22:34:15 来源:哔哩哔哩

加州翻新 - 与团队会面


我们希望大家喜欢这次来自正工作于加州翻新第3阶段的 SCS 地图设计师的小展示,以及他们想向大家,向#永远最好的社区 说的一些话。



我从 Mrazík 接过加州翻新项目,这是我作为地图DLC负责人的第一个项目,但不是我第一个参与的项目。大家可以看到我在爱达荷州、怀俄明州、蒙大拿州及即将推出的俄克拉荷马州DLC上的工作成果。



我在 SCS 担任高级地图设计师,除了工作于加州翻新项目之外,我也参与俄克拉荷马州DLC的制作。在加州翻新的第3阶段,我尤其喜欢广阔的平原、杏仁田和农场。玩家们可以期待一个新的、经打磨完善的加州,我个人认为这是最令人兴奋的。


我之前工作于加州翻新第2阶段,制作了包含唐纳山口、特拉基在内的 US-80。我也协助完成其他地方的制作工作,以及修复 bug。现在,我正工作于斯托克顿与 US-50,其与唐纳山口具有相似的山景。


在两年半前我加入 SCS 时,我从加州翻新第2阶段的工作开始。与此同时,我也协助制作其他地图DLC。工作于加州翻新第3阶段是我至今最有趣的事情,因为我有机会专注于城市与产业区,这是我最喜欢的部分。我坚信玩家们也将喜爱这部分新地图,因为他们可以期待看到许多新的地标建筑及新地方。




四年前,我在 SCS 的第一个任务是为犹他州DLC设计一条简单的乡村道路。自那以后,我已经经历了很长一段时间的成长,参与数个DLC的工作并承担具有挑战性的任务,例如埃尔帕索、得克萨斯州。相较于我们游戏内的其他州,加州拥有一种独特的夏季氛围。大家可以感受到附近太平洋的存在,我们的原地图便抓住了这种感觉。翻新同全新的DLC一样具有相同的质量标准,具有大幅改善的密集的路网、诸多新地标,以及新城市——莫德斯托的加入,正好我就是作者。


我从一开始便参与翻新工作,我记得最初只有3个人。在 SCS,我也为蒙大拿州、得克萨斯州制作一些道路。目前,我享受工作于较小型的具备有机结构的历史定居点。我发现在常规的混凝土丛林与自然发展的美式对比,例如在圣克鲁斯,这太迷人了。玩家们可以期待许多细节内容,以及精美设计的城市与地标。


作为一个丑人,我正尽一切努力让我负责的地区看起来不会和我一样糟糕。这包括运用我在加入 SCS Software 之前积累的技能与知识,同时工作于我在美洲卡车模拟负责的地图项目。我觉得许多玩家会喜欢加州的新感觉。


自加入 SCS 以来,工作于加州翻新是我第一次参与如此大规模的地图设计。感谢我经验丰富的同事指导我踏上这条改善与探索之路。非常高兴可以见证新的、经改善的加州的发展,我觉得这其中有许多令人兴奋的内容。




我已经在 SCS 工作近一年,加州翻新是我参与的第一个项目。我希望玩家们会享受于探索这个标志性的州经改造后的熟悉地点。

荣誉提及 - Mrazík(前地图负责人)

在重建加州以使其符合当前的质量标准方面的持续努力已进入第3阶段,其目标很明确:带来令人赞叹的内容升级,让每一位 ATS 玩家游览与享受其中。到目前为止,我坚信团队已成功抓住加州货运、建筑与文化的精髓,我热切期盼其在游戏中的最终呈现。

虽然我已不再是地图团队的一员,但在看到了 Janek 的潜力后,我很高兴委托他担任新的地图DLC负责人,他拥有相似的价值观,有能力以比我更好的方式去激励与启发团队,并且充满着让团队及我开始的这个项目完美达成所需的能量。


California Rework - Meet the Team

The California Rework project is a challenging task that we have been working on for quite a while, and despite the hard work and dedication that is required, we haven’t had the opportunity to mention the unsung heroes that are part of the dedicated team.

We hope you will enjoy this small presentation of the SCS map designers that are currently working on Phase 3 of California Rework and their short messages to you, the #BestCommunityEver.

Janek (current leader of the project)

I took over the California Rework from Mrazík, and it's my very first project as the Map DLC Lead, but certainly not the first project I've worked on. You can see my work in the DLCs for Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and also in the upcoming DLC for Oklahoma.

My main goal in the California Rework project is to capture the atmosphere of all areas in California as best as possible and to ensure the best comfort for the team so that we can deliver California to you just as you have always wanted.


I work at SCS as a Junior Map Designer, and as well as working on California Rework I have also been involved in the creation of the Oklahoma DLC. In Phase 3 of California, I particularly enjoy the vast plains, almond fields, and farms. Players can look forward to a new and polished California coat, which I personally find to be the most exciting.


I worked on the second phase of the California Rework, where I created US-80 with Donner Pass and Truckee. I also helped to finish some other locations and contributed to bug fixing. Currently, I'm working on Stockton and US-50, which have a similar mountainous scenery to Donner Pass.


When I joined SCS two and a half years ago, we started working on the second phase of the California rework. In the meantime, I also helped with other map DLCs. Working on the third phase of the rework is the most interesting for me so far because I got the opportunity to focus on cities and industrial areas, which I enjoy the most. I am convinced that players will also love this new part of the map as they can look forward to seeing many new landmark structures and areas.


The California Rework is the first project I am a part of as a Junior Map Designer. What I enjoy the most about the Rework is the great creative freedom I have in influencing, uplifting, and transforming each location, resulting in more interesting places to discover!


My first task at SCS was designing a simple country road for the Utah DLC almost 4 years ago. I've come a long way since then, working on several DLCs in between, and taking on challenging tasks like El Paso, Texas. California has a distinct summery vibe in our game compared to other states. You can feel the presence of the Pacific Ocean nearby, and our original map captured that well. The rework receives the same quality treatment as a brand new DLC, with a much-improved and denser road network, many new landmarks, and the newly included city of Modesto, of which I happen to be the author.


I have been involved in the rework from the very beginning, I believe we started with three people. During my time at SCS, I have also worked on creating a few roads for Montana and Texas. Currently, I enjoy working on smaller historical settlements with an organic structures. I find the American contrast between regular concrete jungles and organic development, such as in Santa Cruz, fascinating. Players can expect a lot of detailed content and beautifully designed cities and landscapes. 


I'm simply trying to do everything I can to make my region look as good as possible. That includes taking advantage of the skills and knowledge I gained before joining SCS Software while working on my own map project for American Truck Simulator. I think many players will appreciate the new feel of California.


Since joining SCS, working on the third phase of the California Rework is my first experience with map design on this scale. I am grateful for my experienced colleagues who guide me on this journey of improvement and discovery. It's been very exciting to witness the growth of the new and improved California, and I think there is a lot to be excited about.


I have been working as a map designer on California for two years now and have also been involved in the previous phase. Currently, I enjoy working on various diverse coastal roads. Players can definitely look forward to plenty of new stunning ocean views.


I have been with SCS for almost a year, and the California rework is the first project I have worked on. I hope the players will enjoy exploring the revamped familiar locations of this iconic state.

Honorable mention - Mrazík (previous team lead)

The ongoing effort to rebuild California to meet modern quality standards has entered its third phase, with a clear objective in mind: to introduce an impressive upgrade to the content that every player of ATS can navigate, and enjoy. So far, I firmly believe that the team has successfully captured the very essence of Californian trucking, architecture, and culture, and I eagerly anticipate the release of the final product in the game. 

While I am no longer part of the mapping team, having witnessed Janek's potential, I gladly entrusted him with the role of the new Map DLC Lead as he shares similar values and possesses the ability to motivate and inspire the team in ways better than I ever could, along with brimming with the energy required to bring to a great finish what the team and I have started.

We really hope you’ve enjoyed this slight detour from our usual map-related blog posts. The team is doing their best to provide you with an amazing experience and we can’t wait to show you some more of what they’ve been working on in the future. Until then, keep your eyes on the blog or follow us on social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok) for any new updates.


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